Bamba: Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba, founder of the Muridiyya or Murid, one of the most important Sufi confrery (or Tariqa in Wolof) of Senegal.
Barzakh: The afterlife in Arabic; also used in contemporary Senegal to name the city of Barcelona, in the spirit of “migration or death.”
Dieunatakh: Name of a Zoo in Dakar that means “For the Fish.”
Give back one’s neck: Bugul literally translates the Wolof phrase “May naa la sa baat” that is used by a man to declare official his divorce.
Mold: Contemporary Wolof uses the French word “Moule” to name the features of a face; comes from “Moule à gâteau:” “cake pan.”
Ndakaaru: Wolof pronunciation of the city Dakar.
Own one’s own head: Bugul literally translates the Wolof phrase “Moom sa bopp” that means “to be free,” “to be independent.”
Talaatay: Tuesday in Wolof.
Taking of independence: Bugul literally translates the Urban Wolof phrase “Jël sa indépendance,” meaning to become independent/autonomous (possibly coming from the French phrase “avoir pris son indépendance,” usually used to express the newly-gained freedom of a child from parental authority).
Toubab: Word used across French-speaking Africa to designate white people. Comes in all likelihood from the wolof “Tougal” for European, itself possibly derived from “Portugal.”
Vacation-girl: “vacancière” in the original French. A young women or teenager working during the school holidays, especially during the summer.
Xel: Wolof word, meaning “mind,” “spirit,” “reason,” “intelligence,” “brain.”